Fèlix Llovell Ferret

- Associate Professor
- Secretary of the Department of Chemical Engineering
- Avda. Països Catalans, 26. 43007, Tarragona
- Office 218
- +34977558618
- felix.llovell(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- Keywords / Research areas: Computational thermodynamics, process simulation, CO2 capture, refrigerants, ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents
Fèlix Llovell is a Chemical Engineer from Universitat Rovira i Virgili with a PhD carried out at the Spanish National Research Council (ICMAB-CSIC) in the area of Computational Thermodynamics. After several predoctoral stays at Delft (Holland) and Concepción (Chile), he worked as a postdoctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London (UK) in the description of interfacial properties of mixtures involved in enhanced oil recovery processes. Later on, he got several fellowships to work at CSIC, MATGAS (a technological center focused on the improvement of sustainable processes), and the Institut Químic de Sarrià (IQS-Barcelona), leading the Group of Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes (GESPA). He joined the Chemical Engineering Department of URV in late 2020 as a Serra Húnter fellow, becoming Associate Professor in 2021. Dr. Llovell’s expertise is on the development of molecular modeling tools for the thermophysical characterization of compounds to improve process sustainability. In particular, he applies different theoretical methodologies to accurately describe, critical interfacial and transport properties of complex systems. His latest research has been devoted to the study of alternative solvents (e.g., ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents) for different applications, from gas separation to biofuel production, with focus on applications to the industry. His work was recognized being selected among the best 25 world emerging investigators on Chemical Thermodynamics by the Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, as well as receiving the Young Researcher Award at the prestigious PPEPPD conference.