Marta Schuhmacher

- Full Professor of Environmental Technology
- Director of TecnATox research group
- Avda. Països Catalans, 26. 43007, Tarragona
- Office 211
- +34977559653
- marta.schuhmacher(ELIMINAR)
- Research group web page
Prof. Marta Schuhmacher is a renowned expert in environmental and human health issues associated with the presence of chemicals in the environment and development of novel approaches to hazard and risk assessment. She has published 346 papers in the top scientific journals with 10,699 total citations and h index of 60. She has coordinated 39 research projects (11 of them EU funded projects), and 150 contracts or projects funded by the industrial sector or the Local, Regional, National and European. She has supervised 50 master theses and 22 Doctoral theses (plus 3 ongoing). She is the Director of TecnATox[1] (Center of Environmental, Food and Toxicological Technology). TecnATox is an interdisciplinary research group composed with more than 30 staff people, with an important international projection. The principal areas of research are: 1) Environmental/Ecological risk assessment for exposure to multiple agents including “in vivo”, “in vitro-omics” and “in silico” models, and 2) Application of artificial intelligence techniques, for impact assessment and environmental risk.